My Trick-or-Treat Ghosts Mini Book and Puppets

Grades: Preschool – 2nd Grade

Depending upon the needs of your children, you can differentiate this art, writing and reading activity. You will find notes about this next to each part of the activity.


  • My Trick-or-Treat Ghosts Mini Book
  • My Trick-or-Treat Ghosts Puppets
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Crayons
  • popsicle sticks
  • pencils



Before you present the lesson, make your own My Trick-or-Treat Ghosts mini book and ghost puppets as an example. (You will find a color set of puppets for you, so you don’t have to color the ghosts. This will save you preparation time.)

As you do the activity yourself, you can think about the needs of your students. You can have each student make one ghost (splitting the children into groups of 6), or you can have each child make an entire set. It just depends on what your child’s needs are.

Preschool children may only have time to make one ghost, unless you copy the ghosts onto colored paper and/or cut out the ghosts for them ahead of time. (You can either use the ghost template and print the ghosts onto the colored construction paper (or use color ink) from your computer, or make your own ghost design and cut ghost shapes onto colored construction paper.) So, for a preschool child, I’d recommend either doing that or have the child choose their favorite food/color and make one ghost. Then, the children can act out the story as a group.


My Trick-or-Treat Ghosts Mini Book

Read and fill in the colors for each ghost. (e.g. “I give him a strawberry. He turns red.” The student colors the ghost red. Other ideas for colors/foods are: orange/orange, green/cucumber, blue/blueberry, rainbow/rainbow sherbet.) The mom ghost stays white.

My Trick-or-Treat Ghosts Puppets

After the book is complete, the students color the puppets to match the book.

  1. Color the ghost puppets to match the colors of the ghosts in the book.
  2. Cut out the puppets.
  3. Glue ghosts onto the popsicle stick. (Colorful ghost on one side, white ghost on the other side. The mom ghost is white on both sides.)

Dramatic Play

Students read the book and act out the story.

Extension Activities:

  • Draw, color and cut out each food , so your puppet can pretend to eat it (like the glasses of milk). Write the name of each food on the page of the story.
  • A group of students can act out the story together, either with the puppets or in different colored sheets made to look like ghost costumes.

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